Support Us


Your tax-deductible donations allow us to bring the performing arts to Preble County and are deeply appreciated.

You may make a one-time or recurring online donation.

You may send checks or money orders to:

Preble Players

3668 Concord Fairhaven Road

Eaton, OH 45320.


Advertise in Our Programs

Program ads are an exceptional way to reach the community, whether you want to increase awareness of your business or simply wish the cast well in the show.

Our program ads are reasonably priced and available in full, half, or quarter page sizes.

Please contact Lisa Marling ( or Rusty Garber ( to purchase or gather more detailed information.

Sponsor a Show

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Become a Member

Details will be announced soon on how you can become a sustaining member of Preble Players. We’re planning some unique member benefits.

Become a Member
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